Thursday, May 29, 2014

Developing Android App with Google App Engine as the Backend

This is the step by step tutorial guide how to develop a simple android application with Google App Engine Backend

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Latest Android Studio

For those who do not know Android studio, is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Android Platform. Now Android has released Android Studio 0.5.8 to the canary channel with more bug fixes, support for the new Gradle plugin, new lint checks, layout editor improvements and more!

How to build a mobile app with an Cloud Platform as backend

This tutorial describes how to develop a mobile application powered by Google Cloud Platform. The application includes an Android client and an App Engine Backend.
First and foremost you must have a little idea about Android and Google App Engine.

Africa Android Challenge first round is over

The first round of the Challenge is over and 300 submission was collected across 30 countries in Africa. Tanzania for the first in History submit 8 android application through the help of GDG Mwanza . Congratulation to George Machibya and Organizers of GDG Mwanza to help participants to reach the deadline.
For more information please visit. Africa Android Challenge.