Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Tanzania Android App - Soko Huru

Soko Huru is an Android application that help Tanzania to advertise products in Tanzania and outside Countries, this application link up Sellers and Buyers to simplify Tanzanian market where sellers will easily find the market to sell their products and Buyers will be able to find products with affordable cost.

Sellers will describe their products by posting their details based on the Name of Product, Locations, Contact, Price, and the description of the products to make it easy for Buyers to find  products to their nearest location. 

Buyers are allowed to post products that are not available in Soko Huru.

Everyone is allowed to post any kind of service that he/she wants to advertise e.g Goods Deliveries, Shops, personal products, used products, brand news products, services offered by schools, colleges, institutes, company, institutes e.t.c 

All countries are also allowed to post their products using Soko Huru application.

Download now from the below link: